
I am an Assistant Professor of communications and media management in the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University. I received my PhD in 2017 from the School of Communication & Information at Rutgers University. My research focuses on media industry transformation, particularly at the intersection of organizations, institutions, and digital technologies. These interests stem in part from my professional media background, which includes management and production positions in newsrooms and television studios. Prior to that, I earned a BS in Communication from Cornell University.

I am the author of a new book, News Nerds: Institutional Change in Journalismwhich was published in October 2022 by Oxford University Press. News Nerds explores how technological, economic, and societal changes are impacting the institutionalized profession of journalism. While the content of news has not changed much over the last century–politicians, celebrities, wars, crime, and sports dominate past and present headlines– the ways in which journalists both gather and disseminate information have been turned on their head. Gone are the days of editors assigning stories to writers, who then research, inquire, and present what they found in a compelling yet accurate fashion. Today’s journalists are coding, programming, running analytics, and developing apps. These “news nerds” are industry professionals working in jobs at the intersection of traditional journalism and technologically intensive positions that were once largely separate. Consequently, news nerds have changed the institutionalized view of journalism, which now accounts for these professionals.


In the book, I draw on a mixed-methods research design that blends interviews, social network analysis of LinkedIn data, job postings, and industry publications to make sense of how skills and practices become entrenched throughout the news industry. Taken together, these data reveal the ways in which the profession is evolving to incorporate new technological skillsets and new routines of production.

On the site, please find:

    • My CV and a list of publications;
    • A review of my research interests and current projects, including News Nerds;
    • An overview of my approach to teaching

You can also find me on Twitter, LinkedIn,  or Academia.edu. Follow me, add me, connect with me, and please feel free to reach out if you are looking for more information on my work.
Email: allie [dot] kosterich [at] gmail [dot] com